Better Yale In the News

Focus on The Family Interviews Eduardo Andino / Sept 15, 2011

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The name says it all. Every two years Sex Week at Yale bombards students not with messages of love and fidelity but of obscenity and immorality. Eduardo Andino with with Undergraduates for a Better Yale answers questions for Family News in Focus. Click on the arrow above to hear the full clip.

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Yale Daily News Coverage / Sept 21, 2011
Clarifying the Sex Week Debate
by Eduardo Andino

As a co-founder of the Undergraduates for a Better Yale College (UBYC), I am delighted at the overwhelmingly positive response we have received so far. Students, alumni, faculty and parents have signed our petition, sent us emails and called us to encourage our efforts and ask how they could help. Freshmen and sophomores have shown particular enthusiasm; I am glad that those who will be here after I am gone are taking action about the future Yale they will inherit.  [FULL STORY]

Yale Daily News Coverage / Sept 20, 2011
Change the climate, end Sex Week
By Bijan Aboutorabi, Eduardo Andino, Isabel Marin

Last spring, the editors of the News wrote that “the project of reforming Yale’s sexual culture is a formidable one.” This challenge followed upon an academic year punctuated by a number of events that drew attention to Yale’s sexual culture and the problems that mar it: rape, harassment, objectification of women and the ways in which the expectation of sexual gratification easily boils over into ugly disrespect and denigration. The formidable project has yet to find an adequate vision.  [FULL STORY]


About UBYC

We believe Yale can do better. We exist, therefore, to advocate for a better sexual culture, one grounded in genuine respect and self-giving love; to oppose campus attitudes and events that offer a degrading and trivializing vision of sexuality; and to embody the alternative in our personal lives to the best of our abilities. We stand for a Yale where sexual objectification is unknown, where freshmen are not pressured to accept inebriated hook-ups as the default lifestyle, and where students’ romantic lives teach them to love and respect the whole person, not just the body or particular parts thereof.

We stand, in short, for a better Yale. We challenge you to join us.

Say "No" to Sex Week at Yale

Undergraduates for a Better Yale College is petitioning Yale University to withdraw its support of Sex Week at Yale, which is scheduled to run February 5-14, 2012. To learn more about Sex Week, click here.

To join our effort, please select your petition below.